Smart Ads to Help You Understand Chinese Marketing2014-03-20Last Friday I got an email from work telling me to wear an item of green clothing the…READ MORE
What Have We Learned From The Taxi App Marketing War in China?2014-03-14Image: There is currently a war raging in China between two of the country’s biggest e-commerce juggernauts.…READ MORE
E-commerce Trends in China: How is Financial E-commerce Developing?2014-03-11Recently I wrote a blog looking at nine e-commerce trends that are predicted in China during 2014. To keep…READ MORE
Baidu Pay Per Click Setup FAQ2014-03-06Last updated by Misha on: March 6, 2014 We are often asked lots of questions about Baidu at…READ MORE
9 Trends to Look Out For In China During 20142014-02-27In Chinese mythology 12 animals make up the zodiac. So the story goes the Jade Emperor summoned the…READ MORE
Why Use a Chinese Agency To Run a Baidu Pay Per Click Advertising Campaign?2014-02-07Baidu is the largest Chinese website in the world. Its Chinese language search engine serves China’s 618 million…READ MORE
Everything you need to know about mobile wallets in China2014-01-04More people now shop online and therefore tend to pay online too. This has been a steady trend…READ MORE
Online payment services in China: How does Alipay differ from PayPal?2013-12-19There are large numbers of people shopping online in China nowadays. As a result many more people are…READ MORE
How mobile Internet use in China is changing2013-12-12Call me a geek, but I saw the advertisement below and was very excited! Mobile Internet use in…READ MORE
QR codes – dead or alive?2013-11-29There has been a lot written about the life, death and subsequent resurrection of Quick Response (QR) codes…READ MORE