REDnote (AKA REDnote, Xiaohongshu, Little Red Note, or RED), is often described as a mix of Instagram, Pinterest, and an online shop rolled into one, and is the go-to place for users (many of them female) seeking and sharing all things lifestyle-related. 

As someone interested in what is happening in the country, I—along with 180 million other monthly active users—use REDnote daily to discover what is trending in the world of education, fashion, photography, body-building, and more.

However, it’s no longer just popular with users in mainland China, as recent international developments have seen many Americans and Europeans moving to REDnote in anticipation of the United States’ ban on TikTok.

For a company like yours, REDnote is useful for connecting with Chinese consumers, but to do that, you’ll first need to set up an account on the app, which we’ll be covering in this post.

Setting Up an Account on REDnote

You are better off downloading REDnote from the Chinese website instead of the international version on Google Play or Apple stores because both versions feature different updates.

Once you have the app, open it and you’ll be asked to input your phone number to receive a password.

As a lifestyle app, REDnote (Xiaohongshu) focuses on understanding users’ lifestyle choices and preferences; therefore, when the app asks about your interests, choose something relevant to your industry. For example, if you’re in education, select education (教育) or English (英文), and if you’re in tourism, choose 旅行 (tourism). 

I translated a few other options just in case you downloaded the Chinese version:

  • Motor vehicles: 汽车 (cars)
  • Clothing: 时尚穿搭 (fashion)
  • Movies: 电影 (movies) 
  • Music: 音乐 (music)
  • Gaming: 游戏 (gaming)

These questions help REDnote (REDnote) connect you to users with similar lifestyle interests. The selections you make when setting up your company’s profile will increase the chances of your content being seen by consumers interested in your products.

Don’t worry! People with other interests will still be able to see your videos, but this will depend on the strength of your marketing campaigns in the future. Check out our other content related to REDnote (Xiaohongshu) for hints on this.

For more information on setting up an account, check out this video.

Verifying Your Account

Consider verifying your account once you have set it up because the blue checkmark next to your account name means users will trust your content more. 

You can verify your account on the phone or via the app’s website. 

At the moment, REDnote has not translated its verification process into English. Alternatively, you may want to verify your account on your computer and have Google Translate or ChatGPT open in a separate tab.

Verifying on the Computer

Go to REDnote’s browser version to verify your account on your computer.

Navigate over to the left login button.

You can scan using your phone app or type in the phone number attached to your account.

Once you’re logged in, tap the 业务合作 (Business Cooperation) button at the top right.

Click on the first option in that list 专业号 (Professional Account).

On the next screen, tap 账号管理 (Account Management).

Select 专业号认证 (Official Account Authentication).

Tap the button on the far right that says 账号升级 (Account Upgrade), and then the blue button 前往开通专业号 (Activate Official Account).

The below page will appear.

Here is a translation of the guidelines you see above.

Guidelines for Certification

When applying for a Professional Account Certification, the logged-in account will serve as the certified account, and the account cannot be changed after the application is submitted.

Before filling out the form, please read the “Enterprise Professional Account Certification Rules.” A single business license can apply for up to two professional accounts. Account nicknames must be based on trademarks, websites, or software application names. Please provide corresponding supplementary documentation, such as trademark certificates. Accounts that have been banned by the community cannot apply for certification, nor can the main qualifications or registered location be changed during the review process.

By submitting the certification application, you agree to comply with the Xiaohongshu Enterprise Professional Account Certification Rules. If the business operates in a prohibited industry, provides false qualifications, or fails to meet the qualification review standards, the certification will be rejected.

Review Fee: 600 RMB per review. Once payment is completed, the review will be conducted by a service provider. Each review order is valid for 30 days. If the certification is not completed within the validity period or does not meet the platform’s requirements, the application will be rejected. The Professional Account status is valid for one year and requires annual renewal (Professional Account platform: The review fee is non-refundable if the application is unsuccessful.

If you later need to bind or open a store, the store name and avatar will align with the Professional Account. For detailed store naming rules, refer to the “Store Naming Rules.”

Note: Professional Accounts are designed for individuals, sole proprietors, and businesses with commercial activities on the platform. If you or your organization represent a government agency, media outlet, university, or similar institution, please go to the Xiaohongshu App > Me > Settings > Account and Security > Official Certification > Institutional Certification to apply for institutional certification.

Professional Account certification requires an annual review. For details, see the “Professional Account Certification Review Guide.”

Let’s now go over the steps required for certifying your company.

Step 1: Account Info

In the first box, type in your company’s name, and make sure you use the same name throughout this whole setup process.

Pressing the “+” button allows you to add a photo, which will be your account’s avatar.

Step 2: Main information

The first box will bring down a dropdown menu with options related to where your company is registered. Choose the bottom one “境外及港澳台” (Overseas) if your business is registered outside of China.

After you tap on “境外及港澳台” (Overseas), this will expand the menu.

Tap the box with the “+” to upload a document to prove your company is registered.

Next, type in your company’s name and make sure it is identical to the one included in the document you just uploaded. Presently, only English documents are accepted. If your document is in another language, you must get it translated.

You’ll also need to declare how long your certification is valid. If your document has an expiry date, then it is 期限内有效 (Effective for a Limited Time); however, if your document has no expiration date, it’s 永久有效 (Effective Forever).

If you choose the left option, provide the dates your document became effective and when it will expire.

Finally, select the country where the business is registered.

Step 3: Identification

In this section, you’ll need to submit an application letter. The blue 下载模板 (Download Template) will download the letter you need to complete.

Here is a translation of the letter:

Application Letter for REDnote Professional Account

Applicant Entity: (Must match the full legal name on the business license)

Hereby authorizes the designated individual (Name: ________, ID Number: ________, Email: ________) (The authorized individual must match the account operator, and all information must be complete) to act as the account operator, irrevocably applying for a REDnote Professional Account (Account Name: ________) (Only fill in the latest professional account name; do not include “REDnote Number”) on behalf of the applicant entity and to take charge of content maintenance and operation management of the account.

Note: For entities outside mainland China, including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, please provide additional contact information (e.g., WeChat/QQ): ________ to facilitate timely communication.

The Applicant Entity Agrees:

  • Upon successful approval of the REDnote Professional Account application, the account usage rights belong to the applicant entity that has passed the qualification review. All rights and obligations arising from the account from the time of registration will be borne by the entity. All benefits and permissions derived from the account will belong to the applicant entity, and all operations must be conducted externally in the name of the applicant entity.
  • After applying for the REDnote Professional Account, REDnote has the right to disclose all or part of the information provided by the applicant entity to inform other users of the applicant entity’s information. However, such disclosure will not involve the applicant entity’s business secrets or confidential information.

The Applicant Entity Promises:

  • The applicant entity is a legally established and validly existing legal entity. The application materials submitted to REDnote are true and accurate. The applicant irrevocably authorizes REDnote and its designated third-party review agencies to verify and authenticate the submitted materials. The applicant entity understands and agrees that once the application is submitted, it incurs review costs for REDnote and its third-party review agencies. Therefore, the application review service fee paid will not be refunded due to the application result or withdrawal of the application.
  • Account content maintenance and operation management must comply with national laws and regulations, policies, and related rules, including the REDnote Professional Account Service Agreement, REDnote User Registration Agreement, REDnote Professional Account Community Guidelines, and REDnote Professional Account Review Standards. The applicant entity assumes responsibility for any violations of these commitments.
  • Actions performed by the designated account operator during the application process and subsequent account maintenance and operation are deemed to be the actions of the applicant entity. The applicant entity shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities for actions performed by the authorized account operator. Information transmitted through the designated email of the account operator is considered to represent the applicant entity’s genuine intent. Emails sent by REDnote to the designated email address are deemed to be received by the applicant entity.

The applicant entity confirms that there are no objections to the information filled in this application form and the content of this application letter.


  • The official seal of the applicant entity must be stamped below (red seal only; PS seals, electronic seals, departmental seals, or specialized seals are not acceptable).
  • For individual industrial and commercial households without an official seal, a color copy of the legal representative’s ID (front and back) and a photo of the legal representative holding this application letter must be provided.
  • For overseas entities, the responsible person’s signature and position (manager level or above) are required. A photo of the responsible person holding the application letter is not necessary.

Applicant Entity Official Seal/Signature:
(For overseas entities without an official seal, the responsible person must sign here at the manager level or above)
Date: ________ (YYYY/MM/DD)
(The date must be within three months prior to the submission of authentication materials.)

Step 4: Brand Information

In this section, you’ll first need to select how many brands are under your name:

  • None (无品牌)
  • One (1个品牌)
  • Two (2个品牌)
  • Three (3个品牌)

Tap the dropdown menu next to 身份选择 (Choose an ID) to choose what industry your company is in:

  • Automobiles: 汽车
  • Beauty & Personal Care: 美妆个护
  • Food & Drink: 食品饮料
  • Mother & Child: 母婴
  • Tourism: 出行旅游
  • Gaming: 游戏

Step 5: Contact Details

This section requires your account operator’s details (full name, email, and phone number). Remember: The information you provide here must be the same as the name on the above letter.

Input the code you receive via text message into the next box.

Next, type in the email address you want to receive invoices to in the future.

Skip the next section and tap 护照 (Passport).

This will erase the 身份证号 (ID Number) box and instead bring up one where you can upload a picture of the operator’s passport.

Below this, REDnote will ask for the operator’s WeChat account.

Step 6: Submit Materials

Tap 提交资料 (Submit Resources) to submit everything and move on to the next tab.

Step 7: Payment

Registration will cost 600 RMB (82 USD), and your payment will be processed within three working days. Keep in mind that you will need an Alipay account to pay for registration, and Nanjing Marketing Group is happy to help you with this. 

Verifying on a Mobile Phone

You can also verify your account on your phone. 

First, select the 我 (Me) button at the bottom right (this may be in English depending on your app).

Next, tap the settings symbol on your profile.

Following this, you want the 账号与安全 (Account Security) button.

Then 身份认证 (ID Verification).

Whatever version you are using, you’ll get this Chinese interface.

English translation:

  1. Personal Verification
  2. Organization Verification
  3. Business Verification

The third option 企业 (Business) will take you to a new screen with 账号升级 (Account Upgrade) on the far right-hand side. 

Choose to upgrade your account, and from here, click the red 前往开通专业号 (Activate Official Account) button at the bottom of the page. 

The next page displays a few options depending on if you are a 企业 (Business) or an 个人 (Individual). In this case, you want the first option (for business).

This page also explains what benefits a user can get from both options and what you’ll need to provide.


  • Open a Personal/Business Store (need a business license)
  • Other accounts can advertise your products
  • Personal stores are limited in the types of goods they can sell
  • Collaborate with other accounts
  • Better advertise to your target audience


  • Open a Personal/Business Store (need a business license)
  • Other accounts can advertise your products
  • Personal stores are limited in the types of goods they can sell
  • Partner with brands or stores

Once you’ve selected the type of account, you’ll want to click the big red 立即申请 (Apply Now) at the bottom of the page. 

The next page will be broken into separate sections. 

It’ll first ask you to upload (上传) a picture to be your account’s avatar (账号头像), and then make a name—between 2–36 characters with no symbols—for your account name (账号名称). 

Once you have that section done, it’s another red button at the bottom of the page to go to the next tab.

Tap 请选择 (Please Select) next to 主体归属地 (Place of Ownership) and the below menu will appear.

Choose 境外及港澳台 (Foreign), and to bring up another menu.

The first option is asking for legal documents to prove your company is registered (you’ll need to upload these).

Next, add the official name of your company (the one in your uploaded documents).

You also need to state how long your documents are valid for: A set or limited period (期限内有效) or indefinitely forever (永久有效).

If your documents need to be renewed, select 期限内有效 (Effective for a Limited Time), which is the first option. 

The dropdown menu will then ask you for two pieces of information:1) When your company was first registered and, 2) the date your documents expire. 

Next, you will need to add your location (所在地).

Tap 选择 (Select) to get a dropdown list, and make sure your choice matches your official documents.

After choosing the country your company is based in, you will need the code you were sent earlier. Here are a few translated country names to help you get started:

  • United States: 美国
  • Canada: 加拿大
  • United Kingdom: 英国

Tap “下一步” or “Next Step.”

In the fourth tab, you will be asked to choose your location next to 身份验证 (Identification Verification), so select 境外及港澳台 (Overseas).

After this, download REDnote’s letter by tapping the blue Chinese characters 下载模板 (Download Template). Please refer to the last section for my translation of this letter.

Once you’ve completed the letter, you can upload it by tapping the blue 上传 (upload) button.

Next to 身份选择 (Choose an ID) you can select your industry type (please refer to the translated list, or ask Nanjing Marketing Group for assistance.)

Once you have done all this, it’s another 下一步 (Next Step) again at the bottom of the screen to take you to the final tab. 

The final section deals with your account operator’s details. 

First, type in their full name (it needs to be identical to the one you submitted in the letter).

Add a contact email.

Include their contact number.

Enter the code sent to your phone next to 验证码 (Verification Code).

Type in a designated email address for future receipts.

In the section dealing with 身份资料 (Identification), you need to choose 护照 (Passport) and attach (上传) a picture of your passport’s information page.

Add the WeChat account of the person managing the REDnote account.

You’ll need to checkmark the circle before tapping 提交并支付 (Submit and Pay) to submit your materials.

Finally, you will be asked to pay 600 RMB (82 USD) via Alipay.

Important Points Concerning REDnote Registration 

The service provider initiates the review once the fee (600 RMB per attempt) has been paid.

Applicants are allowed up to three review attempts. In the event that all three fail, the certification will be marked as unsuccessful, and the review fee will not be refunded.

Each review order is valid for 30 days. Failure to complete certification within this period or meet the platform’s relevant certification requirements will result in a failed certification. Again, there is no refund.

The professional account status is valid for one year and requires annual renewal.

Contact Nanjing Marketing Group

Hopefully, that’s everything you need to set up a REDnote account yourself, but if you have any questions or you’d like an experienced marketing agency to complete the process for you—we’re here to help. 

You can also check out our video content related to marketing on REDnote (Xiaohongshu).



Start With a Free Consultation

Contact us for a free initial consultation. Whether it’s through email, chat, or a scheduled video meeting, we’re here to help.

We’ll identify the potential obstacles hindering your expansion in China, and we’ll recommend the best course of action based on your individual needs.

If you think we’re a good fit, you’ll receive a proposal within a week.