A friend of mine recently launched a very cool idea inspired by the elderly people of China. She calls it the Slow Flash Mob and I think it’s a great example of how an aspect of Chinese culture could be transplanted to another area in a postiive way. Before I go on, check out the video.

For more details on the event, you can check out this page, or donate via IndieGogo.

The way elderly people in China interact with their family and community has always been a part of Chinese culture that I’ve found particularly attractive. I like having 3 generations under one roof and I believe people of all ages should be physically and mentally active. I don’t ever plan to fully retire. I realize this may be easier said than done, but Amy’s Dido is an inspiration in this regard.

How do you think the Slow Flash Mob will turn out? Do you think elderly people in Canada or other Western countries would be willing to embrace the outdoor activity culture that is so popular in China?

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