- If you want to build trust with your potential clients in China, WeChat should be one of the first platforms you turn to.This hub gives a quick overview of WeChat and links to more detailed resources to help you learn how to effectively use WeChat to build your brand and ramp up revenue.
What Is WeChat?
WeChat is unlike any other social platform you’ve used. It’s a chat tool, social feed, and wallet. It has short videos, H5 pages, e-commerce stores, mini-programs, and more.
It’s grown to over 1.2 billion monthly active users worldwide.
If you want to know how regular everyday users experience WeChat, check out this video first:
How to Use WeChat for Marketing
Great content helps educate readers, build trust, and drive sales. (More on this a bit later.)
At NMG, WeChat is often the focus of our content marketing efforts, sowe create entertaining, useful articles that keep fans engaged.
One of the reasons higher-quality content is important to our marketing strategies is because we’re often promoting products that are high-value and complex, such as B2B technology, professional services and education.
When a person is deciding which university to study at, or which massive B2B technology solution they should purchase, they need to educate themselves over a period of time.
Other companies often focus on other ways to promote a brand on WeChat, such as:
- Advertising – Tencent ads are good for making a splash and even for driving e-commerce conversions within WeChat.
- Influencer campaigns – Influencers or KOLs (key opinion leaders) are often even better than advertising when it comes to reaching new users.
- WeChat stores – You can create a store directly on WeChat, allowing users to browse, checkout and pay all within WeChat.
- Content monetization – Some brands and individuals use WeChat to build up their following. They can then become influencers themselves. While many fail, the successful ones might just hit the jackpot.
How to Get Setup on WeChat
It’s easy to create a personal account.
You can download the app via Google Play, iTunes or China’s app stores. You’ll need a phone number to start. If you want to use WeChat Pay, you’ll need a Chinese bank card though.
For marketing purposes, there are two types of “Official Accounts” that you should consider.
- Most businesses will want a “Service Account” because it will probably have higher open rates and more features.
- Alternatively, businesses that publish content daily may want a “Subscription Account” because it allows you to post content every single day instead of only four times/month.
Check these two videos to learn what an official account is, and which type you should choose.
WeChat Official Accounts – Subscription Accounts vs Service Accounts
A Tour of WeChat – China’s Super-App
WeChat Articles
The core type of content on WeChat is the article.
While you might make a blog or an email newsletter the core channel in your marketing campaigns outside of China, WeChat should probably be the core focus inside China. So you’ll need to make those articles catchy, easy-to-read and useful.
Learn how to write great articles for WeChat here.
WeChat Analytics
WeChat has a useful back-end analytics tool that helps marketers figure out which content is performing best.
Learn more in this post and video.
WeChat Operations
Learn some ways to make your WeChat account more engaging for users.
Contact us for a free initial consultation. Whether it’s through email, chat, or a scheduled video meeting, we’re here to help.
We’ll identify the potential obstacles hindering your expansion in China, and we’ll recommend the best course of action based on your individual needs.
If you think we’re a good fit, you’ll receive a proposal within a week.