Hello, this is Wiki from Nanjing Marketing Group, and I will be talking about WeChat Menus. You can create custom menus within your WeChat official account, and that will allow your followers to find key information conveniently.

Each of the options that I will talk about will help turn your official account into a mini-website; it’s just that the technicalities and features behind each of them are a little different.

So, the easiest option is to link your WeChat articles on the menu.

But if you’re looking for more complex features, the options to consider are:

  1. Mini-programs,
  2. Page templates,
  3. H5 interface.

I will be showing examples of each of them to help you understand how they work.

Let’s start with mini-programs. As an example, I will use the one we built for our company.

Let’s search for “NMG Marketing” on WeChat and get into our official account first.

At the bottom of the page, you can see a very simple menu with one option only, which is: “About us”. When you click on it, you’re directed to our mini-program. In this case, we decided to go with a very simple version of our website, including our company’s introduction, and if anyone wants to talk to us, they can message us directly, or click on the phone icon and make a call.

And another example of a mini-program. If I search for “miniso” you can see two options here: I can go to their official account, or directly to the mini-program. Let’s have a look at the official account first. As you can see their mini-website is linked to the account’s menu as “Mini-Marketplace”. And from there, you enter their e-commerce website. Here, you can add products to a shopping cart and proceed to payment.

The next option I will be talking about is a WeChat page template. It is a built-in feature for all official accounts so it is available for everyone, and it is relatively easy to use.

Let’s have a look at the account of Conestoga, which is a Community College in Canada. Again, as you can see at the bottom of the page you have the menu, and this one is more complex. If you click on the first button there “申请相关” which means “information related to the application process”, you see that the list unfolds showing more options such as “Get to know Conestoga” and “the summary of specializations they offer”, for example.

Let’s click on the first one: “Get to know Conestoga”. And here you can see the page template which looks like a mini-website on its own. It has its own menu with categories such as “Overseas student life Guidebook” and “Tips on searching for a job”. Then, for each category, there are related articles included. So, the page template is basically a collection of articles organised in a way so it’s easy for users to find the information they are looking for. It is also useful for new users; for example, new students will have an overview of the school and what courses they offer.

And now, the last option I will be talking about, which is an H5 page. It is a more complex option, that can be developed by your team or with the help of one of many companies in China that specialize in mini-programs and H5 pages. H5 pages can be integrated with WeChat’s CMS which is useful for businesses; and H5 are also useful if you want to display content with music, or animations, etc.

So, again, we go to an official account, and in the menu, we see a link to H5. You don’t have to call it an H5 though. As you can see in this example, the H5 page enables the user to participate in an interactive, virtual tour around a building. A feature that is accessible entirely through WeChat.

So, we talked about WeChat Menus and related features such as mini-programs, H5 pages and page templates. WeChat official accounts create many opportunities for brands and can be tailored to your needs.

If you have any questions, please, leave me a comment. I will be linking to our Chinese Digital Marketing 101 page and also to our Chinese B2B Tactics post.

And for now, that’s all.

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