For the past few months, we live-streamed our China marketing trainings on Yingke. We did it mostly for fun, to play around with live-streaming which is becoming more and more popular in China. We’ve used this marketing channel while working with our clients and we decided to give it a try as well.

Truth to be told, we did not focus all our resources on the task, we did not have a special team to prepare it. On a Wednesday evening, we decided to broadcast our internal trainings which we would have done anyway. And we did it on Friday! Why? First, we like sharing what we already know. Second, we learnt something new as well, right?



Platform we used: Yingke (映客直播).
Audience: usually around 400-700 viewers in total. Around 200 average viewers at a time.
Time: Friday morning, 10 am.


  1. As we didn’t want to dedicate too much time to the live-streaming, we just broadcasted our weekly trainings. However, 10 am is probably not the best time to choose. Most people we aimed at were at work. And as we used PPT presentations with it, it required too much attention from our viewers. Choose the time wisely. Evenings and weekends are the most popular, but some broadcasters choose early mornings when people commute to work.
  2. Although we had many viewers, they were not relevant to us. Yingke is a better fit for online celebrity broadcasting on daily life, beauty and fashion. Our viewers were mostly of the come & go type. Moreover, on Yingke you cannot collect too much user data, so it’s difficult to evaluate your viewers.


  1. Yingke was also not the best choice, because we had trouble sharing our slides. We ended up filming the slides displayed on the tv in our office (yes, we really did that). There are platforms focused on gaming that allow you to show both the host and the screen. We could not use them, however, because we would need to register an official gaming account.
  2. We shared the link to our broadcast on social media and our China marketing WeChat group. However, Yingke often did not allow people to watch it unless they downloaded the app. We also had many quality issues – the broadcast cut every few minutes, the sound was not right etc. It affected mainly our overseas viewers.
  3. We didn’t take it too seriously, so we sometimes ended up being 5-10 minutes late or wrapping the broadcast in 30 minutes. It’s not how live-stream in China should be done, truth to be told. You need to be on time, because your viewers will get bored waiting for you quickly. But then, you need some time to gather your audience, so you should dedicate more than an hour for the live-streaming.
  4. Turns out we are not born to be China’s wanghong! Contrary to what you may think, it’s not easy talking to hundreds of viewers live, at least for us. Some of us did better, but almost everyone got really stressed. So, a lesson for you, if you don’t have an in-house born-to-be Chinese celebrity, you may want to hire a professional or work with KOLs.
This is how (un)professional our first live-streaming was.


And the most important part:

  1. We got banned! It’s kinda funny, because it was our last training session and we seriously did not expect that. Why did it happen? The topic was connected with SEM and apparently 360 Search, Baidu etc. are not allowed to be mentioned too often. They labelled us as an illegal advertisement and stopped our broadcast. For the same reason, Yingke deleted a WeChat-related live-stream we did before and saved on our account. Well… 😉

Anyway! It was fun! There are so many new ways to reach out to your Chinese customers popping up every month in China, and we just love to try new things. I mean, if you don’t, it’s pretty difficult to compete with Chinese companies. Because they take grasp of every single opportunity they get.

Do you want to learn more about live-streaming in China? Check our previous post here.

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