Zhihu is the premier Q&A platform in China, with 220 million users.
It has over a hundred million answers so far, and is still growing. Each answer can be voted up and down by the community.
Grow your reputation
Zhihu is a great place for you to show your in-depth knowledge of your niche.
Like the answers we made for Emory School of Law, you should expect most posts to get hundreds of views, and some to get many thousands of views. Here is an example of Emory’s Zhihu answer:
Set up your account right, no Chinese business-entity required
What you’ll get:
- A memorable name.
- Account verification.
- Access to advertising.
We set up and run Emory School of Law’s Zhihu account.
Check the Zhihu account setup guide here.
Get three for the price of one
You provide the English source content.
We transcreate it into Chinese, then spread it to Zhihu, WeChat, and your Chinese website.
In the example here, Cambrian posted one English article, and we ‘transcreated’ it into an article for WeChat, Zhihu, and their website.
Zhihu Marketing FAQ
Zhihu is most useful for reaching customers who perform research before purchasing. We use it to help educate readers about SaaS products, professional services, technological hardware/software, educational resources, and more.
Business accounts will have a blue V and require annual reviews. For personal accounts, real-name authentication is recommended; otherwise, posting may be restricted. Check out this article to learn more about the differences between business and personal accounts and how to certify.
Yes. Everyone has different viewpoints and perspectives. If your viewpoint is unique or insightful enough, others will still notice it.
We would use your real business/brand name in most cases. If you have a Chinese one, we would use that. If you don’t have a Chinese brand name but want one, we can help you choose one.
Zhihu is similar to Quora in functionality, but the “vibe” is somewhat different, with Zhihu seemingly having a more civil or higher-educated crowd.
Zhihu allows us to publish answers and articles.
We will first take content from your English source materials: a blog post, email newsletter, or email conversation with you. The article we create will be used on multiple platforms, WeChat, Zhihu, and most commonly your blog. Those Chinese articles will have mostly the same content, except for the title and other factors, but the design will be customized.
For answers, the knowledge within will be similar to your English source materials, but the length, and style will differ. An answer should normally read like an authoritative response from a professional, but be understandable to an audience unfamiliar with the topic.
The articles will also be posted on your website and are accessible via Google search, Baidu search, and other methods, but we don’t normally publish Chinese content on other Western platforms.
We have “beta” services for English and Korean content marketing. However, at present, these are only offered to current clients. Check back in 2025 to see if your business is eligible for this service.
Contact Us for a Free Consultation
Whether it’s through email, chat, or a scheduled video meeting, we’re here to help.
We’ll identify the potential obstacles hindering your expansion in China, and we’ll recommend the best course of action based on your individual needs.
If you think we’re a good fit, you’ll receive a proposal for services within a week.